Success Stories
Success Stories

I joined Mission: Renaissance to cope with the stress of my job. I work in the Financial Services industry, an industry that seems to get worse by the day. Art has become my candle in a dark room. I`m so grateful to be in this course. I`m looking forward to even greater success.
Colleen – Adult Student
Nervously entering the studio, I wondered if I was crazy to even think that I might someday draw something recognizable. No serious attempt had a been bade since eighth grade. Paint? Another probable fantasy. I had been encouraged by a friend who studied at Mission: Renaissance and she assured me that “they will teach you how to draw.” So, in I went.
Juan was welcoming and positive in his desire to help me achieve my goal of learning how to sketch and I embarked on a learning process that has taken me farther than I ever imagined. As a former teacher I immediately recognized Juan’s great teaching skills. From him I have learned, and continue to learn how to see what is in front of me, not what my mind tells me an apple looks like but what that one in front of me looks like. Is it red? Or is there pink, blue, yellow, purple? My eyes were opened to color and form and relationships and design. Watching others in my class and having their encouragement continues to be affirming.
It has taken a long time but my self-confidence is growing, I have produced a painting that now hangs in my kitchen. I look at it and realize the huge progress I have made, progress that I has not thought possible at 70 years old. An old dog really can learn some new tricks!
Linda S. – Adult Student
Although I’d been drawing for 30 years, I was self-taught. I’d studied all kinds of methods from books and was generally ok at drawing… or so I thought!
The basic Mission: Renaissance drawing course covered techniques and the methods that I would never have learned elsewhere; and having a wonderful teacher guiding me through the process was invaluable. I now see things in my everyday life in a brand new way, and for once I feel I can actually draw. I am so grateful – Thank you!
Clive B. – Adult Student
I began the sketching course August 2013. To say I’m amazed at my progress would be an understatement. I had talent from a small child but stopped drawing when I began college. I’d even been accepted into a commercial art correspondence course but decided that and a full load of college courses wouldn’t mix.
30 (ahem!) years later enter Mission: Renaissance!! I am now half way through the tone drawing course and can say my ability now surpasses my ability when I was a teen! When I show people samples of my work they are stunned! And so am I when I compare what I did six months ago with what I can do now.
I’m so fortunate to have Mission: Renaissance in my life! Thank you so much.
Jeffrey W. – Adult
I came to Mission: Renaissance because I couldn’t draw. I know that because of a negative comment made by 7th grade art teacher. It has stuck with me ever since, influencing how I viewed myself and my abilities. I was hopeful that art classes would help, but didn’t quite believe that this deficiency could be overcome.
Having just completed the beginning drawing and tone classes, my confidence in being able to draw is growing. The courses are presented in a very logical way, building block upon block of knowledge and techniques. A former school teacher, I have become the student and had the pleasue of experiencing many “light bulb moments.” Larry’s Three Basic Principles of relating, working from large to small, and cycling are applicable on so many levels. My understanding of the concepts have also followed those guidelines to produce a stronger grasp in my mind.
I have already surpassed what I thought I would be able to achieve in a relatively short period of time. I can hardly wait to see how much further I can go. My highest satisfaction comes from the sincere compliments of my teachers and fellow students at Mission: Renaissance when they walk by and observe what I am working on.
Thank you, Larry Gluck and the fabulous teachers at Mission: Renaissance, for helping my hopes become a reality.
Margo E. – Adult Student
I love this studio. When I paint and draw in here, I find freedom. I love the feeling that I could get lots of help form the teacher whenever. I feel very welcome and at home. It’s so fun drawing and I especially like drawing my duckling and seahorse. I really want to thank the people who spent their time to build the studio, work in it and actually make kids happy about their drawing and art. Most kids have a voice in art. Thanks for making our voice louder.
Jolie W. – Age 10
In sketching, I learned about many things. I learned how to use physical tools such as, plumb line, reducing glass, and mirror. I also learned how to use mental tools, such as triangles, negative space, and line of symmetry. In conclusion, I learned a lot of things in sketching, and I feel successful about all of it. Special thanks to my parents who sacrifice a lot to make this possible, and thanks to my art instructors for teaching me.
Peter S. – Age 10
Before I went to Mission: Renaissance I did not know the basics of drawing and painting. I did not know how to use pastels that match or how to do flat and graduated washes in watercolor. Even though I still have much to learn, I will never forget the feelings I had when I walked in the art class. The feelings were joyful and happiness.
Dmitry G. – Age 11
I had always know I could draw well but I did not know it would feel so good to draw. When I start drawing I lose myself. I feel like that is where I belong. I do not do sports because of my eye problems and having to protect my head from getting hit. I also cannot run as well as the other kids because of my kidney problems and lack of energy. When I am doing art, I forget about my problems. All my friends have sports for a passion but mine is art. When I am doing art, I feel calm and I am so happy that I have this class to help me do something and get better at it, like my friends do with their sports. I love art and always will. Art makes me feel normal and that is my success story.
Sydney R. – Age 10
Drawing has always been a challenge in my life. I have been a very academic person and for some reason putting anything on paper other than letters seamed like such an abstract thing to me. When my mother told me she had enrolled me into art classes, at first I was actually a little bit scared. Being in a large room drawing with a bunch of other people made me so timid because I thought everyone would laugh at my work. My first class here at Mission: Renaissance was just filled with relief. When I saw how everyone worked at their own pace and I saw the improvement of every student to the next, I was in awe. I realized how “fool proof” this program is, because honestly, I need the most “fool proof” class possible. After my 3rd or 4th class, I felt comfortable at the idea of drawing and I started actually wanting to come to class. Seeing immediate improvement, as well as long term, made me love this course so much. I feel so grateful that there is this course and such amazing, patient instructors to help me not get lost. I have seen major improvement not only physically, but mentally in my life towards art.
Chaney L. – Age 13